sexta-feira, março 21, 2008

Também há uma Igreja Católica Oficial mas não sei se um representante do governo provincial estará presente durante a transubstanciação

«The China Buddhist Association will issue living-Buddha permits. When the reincarnated living Buddha has been installed, the management at his monastery shall submit a training plan to the local Buddhist Association, which shall report to the provincial people's government for approval.


Once a reincarnated living Buddha soul-child has been recognized, it shall be reported to the provincial people's government for approval; those with a great impact shall be reported to the State Administration of Religious Affairs for approval; those with a particularly great impact shall be reported to the State Council for Approval.
When there is debate over the size of a living Buddha's impact, the China Buddhist Association shall officiate.


Applicants to be reincarnated living Buddhas may not be reincarnated if the provincial people's government does not allow reincarnations.»

Na Harper's, via Pastoral portuguesa

Fotograma de "Life of Brian", onde Pôncio Pilatos e o centurião discutem o destino a dar ao putativo messias. Biggus Dickus ausente da imagem.

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