quinta-feira, julho 05, 2007

Qualquer coisa brejeira mas "esteticamente adequada para ser apreciada por pessoas de nível cultural elevado"

(...) Oral 'relief', lasting half a minute, was the sex act of choice and necessity. And I offer this final observation (very vulgar, but not entirely gratuitous) in a pedagogic spirit, because it shows that even in their most intimate dealings the women, too, were worked on by socio-economic reality. In postwar years, there were no non-swallowers in the Soviet Union. None.

Do soberbo House of Meetings de Martin Amis, 2007.

4 comentários:

Aardvark disse...

Pelo menos fui citado por alguém.

dorean paxorales disse...


Anónimo disse...

Amiable fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.

dorean paxorales disse...

humbly, you're most welcomed. what's the subject of your assignment?