quarta-feira, maio 09, 2007

Resultados de um teste político

Vem daqui, por exigência do Ricardo Alves do Esquerda Republicana.

Mas devo avisar que a afirmação 19. (Crime is not primarily a result of economic or social conditions or lack of education, and is best dealt with by retribution and/or deterrence.) contém demasiadas variáveis para se poder concordar/discordar inequivocamente. Por isso, ignorei-a (not sure; low importance)

Resultados propriamente ditos:

#1 You are an ecologist or green. You believe that the single greatest challenge of our time is the threat to our natural environment, and you feel that radical action must be taken to protect it - whether in the enlightened self-interest of humanity (in the tradition of 'shallow ecologism') or, more radically, from the perspective of the ecosystem as a whole, without treating humans as the central species (deep ecologism).

#2 You are a social democrat. Like other socialists, you believe in a more economically equal society - but you have jettisoned any belief in the idea of the planned economy. You believe in a mixed economy, where the state provides certain key services and where the productivity of the market is harnessed for the good of society as a whole. Many social democrats are hard to distinguish from social liberals, and they share a tolerant social outlook.

#3 You are a social liberal. Like all liberals, you believe in individual freedom as a central objective - but you believe that lack of economic opportunity, education, healthcare etc. can be just as damaging to liberty as can an oppressive state. As a result, social liberals are generally the most outspoken defenders of human rights and civil liberties, and combine this with support for a mixed economy, with an enabling state providing public services to ensure that people's social rights as well as their civil liberties are upheld.

Com pontuação menos significativa:
#4 You adhere to the Third Way.
#5 You are a libertarian conservative.
#6 You are an anarcho-communist
#7 You are a Christian democrat
#8 You are a classical socialist
#9 You are a fascist.
#10 You are a market liberal.
#11 You are a communist.
#12 You are an anarcho-capitalist.

Conclusão: sou um liberal-democrata social. E verde, acima de tudo. Em todo o caso, tranquiliza-me de sobremaneira o facto de as últimas quatro categorias estarem todas juntas. O teste, realmente, não está mal.

E agora, Ricardo? Em que capelinha vais colocar o blogue? ;)

1 comentário:

Ricardo Alves disse...

Resultado que eu previ (mentalmente)... ;)

Também tive muitas dúvidas com essa questão 19. Tendo a concordar com a primeira parte, mas não com a segunda. Creio que a desvalorizei... Um aspecto muito útil desse teste é poder conferir-se um peso às questões...